OKRE - Delivering Social Impact in Entertainment Content

We are delighted to present the results of our broad cross-entertainment research project exploring approaches to the social and cultural impact of entertainment.

At OKRE we understand that storytelling through entertainment content has the power to influence perceptions and shape culture. TV, film, social media and interactive entertainment are all uniquely placed to create conversations and expand people’s understanding of the world. But how much do we know about whether this has a lasting impact on society?

This report gathers the findings of an extensive qualitative and quantitative research project conducted in the latter half of 2023, following on from the work of OKRE’s Entertainment Industry Taskforce. The Taskforce, led by Hana Canter, was composed of leaders across the UK entertainment industry, representing major media corporations including Netflix, Prime Video, BBC, Sky, ITV, Spotify, Snap, Disney, and supported by Comic Relief.

The research undertaken by MTM, a strategy and research agency specialising in the fields of media, technology, and advertising, assessed how the different entertainment industries (focussing on TV, Film and Videogames) think about the impact of their content on people’s attitudes, on perceptions, on policy and generally in shaping the world.

“Entertainment is a medium that can move, inspire and empower audiences, but its true social and cultural impact is often hard to quantify. That’s why Netflix was pleased to partner with OKRE on this initiative.
Today’s report showcases the innovative approaches already being taken by the sector and identifies new opportunities to measure and share the real-world impact of what our audiences love to watch. We look forward to seeing how these findings will inform OKRE’s ongoing work on this important topic.”

Benjamin King

Senior Director of Public Policy, Netflix

Key findings in the report include:

  • 89% of entertainment industry respondents agreed that measuring social impact is important.
  • Organisations have prioritised areas for impact including DEI, environmental & sustainability and mental health in content, but the report highlights inconsistency around which issues are included in these categories.
  • Entertainment companies are factoring social impact into various stages of the content lifecycle – from commissioning, through development – and amplifying impact as part of their launch strategies.
  • However, only 28% of respondents reported that their organisations currently measure the social or societal impact of their content – with 33% citing a perceived difficulty in measuring impact as a reason.
  • 73% of organisations agreed they would welcome more information on how to measure the impact of their content.

Read our Social Impact Report here:

Continuing to lead in supporting the entertainment industry to measure social impact, OKRE have also announced we are working on the development of an ‘Entertainment Impact Index’. This new framework will complement existing impact measurements, while enabling greater cross-sector collaboration and shared understanding of definitions and impact language.

OKRE will work in conjunction with BAFTA – an arts charity and academy with over 12000 members working in film, games and television – to scope this project through the remainder of 2024.

“The work of the Taskforce has been an incredibly interesting process and I’m grateful for such a broad range of industry experience and opinions that collaborated with us and contributed to our findings.
I’m confident that the Social Impact Report helps to provide clarity in a complex space and OKRE’s continued work in this area will help define, track & support opportunities for social change through entertainment”

Hana Canter

OKRE Entertainment Impact Taskforce lead

Supported by

OKRE is a funded partner of The Power of Pop  – a pooled fund, supported by Comic Relief, that funds organisations working at the intersection of popular culture and social justice in the UK.

“As a charity that is passionate about the power of entertainment and popular culture to change lives, we’re really pleased to see that delivering impact is an important consideration within the UK entertainment industry. From acknowledging and engaging different audiences and communities; to better developing our shared understanding of diversity and equity; to ensuring creative industries continue to reflect on, and highlight, the importance of social impact – the report offers valuable insights.
We’re proud to have supported this research and look forward to working with a range of organisations to help take the findings of the report forward into the future.”

Samir Patel

CEO Comic Relief